Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Houston Texas


The integration of mapping and database technology provides a quantum leap in information management. The use of graphical information systems (GIS) was originally the province of government bodies such as city planners and environmental or taxing jurisdictions. Today, GIS technology is being rapidly adopted by businesses, industry, engineers, and surveyors.

GIS applications are ideally suited for industrial plants or other entities with large campuses like hospitals and universities. They are equally adaptable to engineering sites or airports and the projects of real estate developers, builders and others.

ALS, Inc. combines aerial photography with the most modern technologies such as GPS, digital mapping, CAD and relational database management to make GIS a reality for our clients. The relational data bases used in GIS can easily be configured to produce reports in MS Word or MS Excel to provide an unlimited variety of informative reports usable by all businesses.

ALS, Inc. can fully integrate GIS, offering field surveying and mapping services, computer software, programming, hardware and support to match client needs.